How We Work With Founding Teams
We structure and facilitate essential conversations so your team can focus
on the hundreds of other tasks needed to build a startup.
*All conversations happen with the full founding team present.
Schedule an Initial Team Consult
To get started, schedule a complimentary intake session for your team where we will:​
Goals: How long have you been working together? What does success looks like for you and your team? Which of these essential conversations have you had?
Sample Exercise: Discuss the Working Style Quiz to understand how well you know your founding team (please complete in advance)
Action Plan: Overview of Confidante services and recommended course of action for your team.
If you're not there yet, start by scheduling a quick 1:1 chat to learn more.

Partnership Agreement Program
When: 6-9 conversations over 3 months
Who: 2-4 person founding teams immediately after first check.
What: Structured exercises and facilitated team sessions across the "9 Essential Conversations"
Why: Build trust and commitment among your founding team, create clarity in what and how you're building together.
Relationship Check Ups
When: 1-2x per month, ongoing
Who: 2-4 person founding teams (any stage)
What: Dedicated time to check in specifically on the founding team relationship, any open concerns, frustrations, or other needs as the company ​grows.
Why: Facilitated by third-party startup team relationship expert who shares best communication practices and makes real-time observations.
Confidante utilizes relationship therapy literature and research to design programs that are effective and proactive for startup teams. Our experts help startup teams navigate interpersonal relationships and conflicts that arise when building a company, increasing the likelihood that founding teams are able to stay with the company as it grows.​
Confidante was founded in 2019 out of Stanford Graduate School of Business by Annie Garofalo, and now partners with leading investors and accelerators to prevent co-founder conflict from negatively impacting companies.